
Variable Question text Label
qa032aLaid off from a jobLaid off from a job
qa032bFurloughed or on temporary leave from a jobFurloughed or on temporary leave from a job
qa032cEmployer reduced hours or payEmployer reduced hours or pay
qa032dWorked less because of lower demand for services offeredWorked less because of lower demand for services offered
qa032eA business that I or someone in my household owns earned less revenue A business that I or someone in my household owns earned less revenue
qa032fOther employment issues because of the coronavirus outbreak (please specify): ~qa032f_other other factor income decreased
qa032gWas unable to get to work due to childcare responsibilities or other constraintswas unable to get to work due to childcare responsibilities or other constraints income decreased
qa032hEmployer closed or permanently went out of business Employer closed or permanently went out of business
qa032iWorked less due to childcare responsibilities or other personal constraints Worked less due to childcare responsibilities or other personal constraints
qc002Would you say your health in general is...overall health