
Variable Question text Label
credit_end_timeend credit section
credit_start_timestart credit section
credit_timetime spent credit section
ctc001Have you filed your income taxes this year, or had them filed for you by a tax preparer?filed income taxes
ctc002Around the 15th of July, the federal government began sending a new payment of $300 a month for children under 6 and $250 a month for school age children for eligible families, through a program called the Child Tax Credit (also known as the CTC or CHILDCTC).

Have you or anyone in your household received this new payment? Please choose all that apply.
received CTC payment
ctc003How much did you receive from this program in the most recent month? how much received CTC
ctc004Why have you not received a payment through this program? Please choose all that apply. why not received payment CTC
hh1How many people, including yourself, live in your household? how many people, including R, in household
hh3How many, including yourself, are adults, age 18 and older?how many 18 and older, including R, in household
kids1Are you the parent or guardian of any children under age 18?parent or guardian of any children under age 18
preload_confirmIn a previous survey (on ^FLUAS) you told us the following about your household:
  • Number of people (adults and children), including yourself, living in your household: ^preload_HH1
  • Number of adults (age 18 and older), including yourself, living in your household: ^preload_HH3
  • Parent or guardian of any children under age 18: ^preload_kids1
Is that still correct?
confirm preloaded hh composition
uas389_endtimeEnter something like this to test with preloading:

2021-06-10 10:45:23
uas389 endtime
uas393_endtimeEnter something like this to test with preloading:

2021-06-10 10:45:23
uas393 endtime