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B15A ^FLReverseLower is a type of mortgage in which a homeowner can borrow money against the value of his or her home. No repayment of the mortgage (principal or interest) is required until the borrower dies or the home is sold. Please select the following statement that best describes your situation. Reverse mortgage info
B16How did you decide to get or consider getting a ^FLReverseLower? Please choose all of the reasons that apply.decide about reverse mortgage
B16_havemortgageYou said that you have a ^FLReverseLower. How did you decide to get or consider getting a reverse mortgage? Please choose all of the reasons that apply. decide about reverse mortgage
B17What was the main purpose of your ^FLReverseLower?purpose of reverse mortgage
B17a^FLB17a the money of the ^FLReverseLower paid to you every month or did you receive it in a one-time payment?reverse mortgage lump sum vs. monthly income
B17bIn which year did you get the ^FLReverseLower?year of reverse mortgage
B17cWhat was the value of the ^FLReverseLower as a fraction of the value of the house?value of reverse mortgage
B18You stated that you did not get a ^FLReverseLower. Please tell us why. Please choose all of the reasons that apply. why not get reverse mortgage
B18bOn a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 is completely dissatisfied and 5 is completely satisfied how satisfied are you with the ^FLReverseLower you had/currently have?

satisfaction with reverse mortgage
B18cWould you say the value of the reverse mortgage, as a fraction of the value of the house is...?followup value reverse mortgage