
Variable Question text Label
Exp1_amount_a_confirmMortgage spending (interest and principal)HOUSING EXPENDITURE - MORTGAGE
Exp1_amount_b_confirmHomeowner association or condominium duesHOUSING EXPENDITURE - HOMEOWNER/CONDO DUES
Exp1_amount_c_confirmRent spendingHOUSING EXPENDITURE - RENT
Exp1_amount_d_confirmHomeowner's or renter's insuranceHOUSING EXPENDITURE - HOME/RENTERS INSURANCE
Exp1_amount_e_confirmProperty taxesHOUSING EXPENDITURE - PROPERTY TAXES
Exp1_amount_f_confirmHome maintenance/repairsHOUSING EXPENDITURE - HOME REPAIRS
Exp2_amount_a_confirmElectricityHOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE - ELECTRICITY
Exp2_amount_b_confirmWaterHOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE - WATER
Exp2_amount_c_confirmGas for heating and cookingHOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE - GAS
Exp2_amount_d_confirmHome phone, internet and cable/satellite servicesHOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE - PHONE/INTERNET
Exp2_amount_e_confirmMobile phoneHOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE - MOBILE PHONE
Exp2_amount_f_confirmHousehold furnishings and equipment: furniture, floor coverings, appliances, Television, computer, miscellaneous household equipmentHOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE - FURNISHINGS
Exp2_amount_g_confirmHousekeeping supplies and services: cleaning and laundry products, hiring costs for housekeeping or home cleaning, amount spent at dry cleaners and laundriesHOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE - HOUSEKEEPING SUPPLIES/SERVICES
Exp2_amount_h_confirmGardening supplies and services: yard, lawn and garden products or equipment,hiring cost for gardeningHOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE - LANDSCAPING
Exp3_amount_a_confirmVehicle purchases (net outlay)TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURE - VEHICLE PURCHASES
Exp3_amount_b_confirmVehicle payments (interest and principal or lease payment)TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURE - VEHICLE PAYMENTS
Exp3_amount_d_confirmVehicle maintenance and repairsTRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURE - VEHICLE REPAIRS
Exp3_amount_f_confirmPublic and other transportation: vehicle rental, taxi, plane tickets, parking, etc. (exclude transportation for vacation)TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURE - PUBLIC TRANSPORT
Exp4_amount_a_confirmFood and beverages at home: food, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages that you buy in grocery or other stores and consume at homeFOOD EXPENDITURE - FOOD CONSUMED AT HOME
Exp4_amount_b_confirmDining and drinking out: items in restaurants, cafes, bars and diners, including take-out food and alcoholic beveragesFOOD EXPENDITURE - FOOD CONSUMED OUT
Exp5_amount_a_confirmClothing and apparel including watches and jewelryPERSONAL EXPENDITURE - CLOTHING/ACCESSORIES
Exp5_amount_b_confirmPersonal care products and services: hair care, shaving and skin products, amount spent at hair dresser, manicure, etc.PERSONAL EXPENDITURE - PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS
Exp5_amount_c_confirmCost of care for elderly and/or children: in-home care services for seniors, day care, baby sittingPERSONAL EXPENDITURE - CARE FOR ELDERLY/CHILDREN
Exp5_amount_d_confirmEducation: tuition, room and board, books and supplies spendingPERSONAL EXPENDITURE - EDUCATION
Exp6_amount_a_confirmGym membership, sports activities, exercise and leisure equipment (e.g., treadmill, bicycle, skis, etc.)ACTIVITIES EXPENDITURE - PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
Exp6_amount_b_confirmTickets to movies, sporting events, performing arts, etc.ACTIVITIES EXPENDITURE - TICKETS
Exp6_amount_c_confirmHobbies: photography, reading material, music, video games, camping, fishing, etc.ACTIVITIES EXPENDITURE - HOBBIES
Exp6_amount_d_confirmPet related expenses: gear, equipment and veterinarianACTIVITIES EXPENDITURE - PET EXPENSES
Exp6_amount_e_confirmTrips and vacations, including transportation, accommodations and recreational expenses on trips (exclude dining and drinking out)ACTIVITIES EXPENDITURE - VACATIONS
Exp6_amount_f_confirmOther transportation expenses: parking, tolls, public transport, taxi, etc. (exclude transportation expenses on trips and vacations)ACTIVITIES EXPENDITURE - OTHER TRANSPORTATION
Exp6_amount_g_confirmContributions to religious, educational, charitable, or political organizationsACTIVITIES EXPENDITURE - DONATIONS
Exp6_amount_h_confirmCash or gifts to family and friends outside your household (include alimony and child support payments)ACTIVITIES EXPENDITURE - CASH/GIFTS TO FAMILY/FRIENDS OUTSIDE HH
Exp7_amount_a_confirmHealth insurance premium including Medicare supplemental insurance (include only the amount you pay, not what your employer pays or what gets deducted from your Social Security benefits)HEALTHCARE EXPENDITURE - INSURANCE PREMIUM
Exp7_amount_b_confirmMedical services: hospital care, doctor services, lab tests, eye, dental, and nursing home care (include out-of-pocket cost only, not what is covered by insurance)HEALTHCARE EXPENDITURE - MEDICAL SERVICES
Exp7_amount_c_confirmMedical supplies, prescription and nonprescription drugs: include out-of-pocket cost only, not what is covered by insuranceHEALTHCARE EXPENDITURE - MEDICAL SUPPLIES