
Variable Question text Label
Q20a_followupWhen you claim your Social Security benefits at age ^Q19_age, about how much money in total do you think you will receive per month? Your best guess is okay. money per month brackets
Q21Imagine an individual, Mr. Spencer Wills, who is retired from work and turning 63 today. Spencer expects his monthly Social Security retirement benefit to be about $2,000 if he claims now. How much should he expect his monthly benefit to be if he decides to wait another year and claim when he is 64? expected monthly benefit
Q22aWhen your spouse claims his or her Social Security benefits at age ^Q19c_age, about how much money do you think he or she will receive per month? Your best guess is okay.spouse money per month brackets
Q22a_followupWhen your spouse claims his or her Social Security benefits at age ^Q19c_age, about how much money do you think he or she will receive per month? Your best guess is okay.spouse money per month brackets
q17At what age ^FLq17 retire?age retire
q17_ageage retire
q18_agespouse age retire
q18bTo the best of your knowledge, at what age ^FLQ18?expected age spouse retire
q19_ageage claim SS
q19aAt what age do you plan to claim your Social Security retirement benefits?what age claim SS retirement benefits
q19bAt what age did you claim your Social Security retirement benefits? age claim SS retirement benefits
q19cAt what age does your spouse plan to claim his or her Social Security retirement benefits?what age spouse claim SS retirement benefits
q19c_ageage spouse claim SS
q19dAt what age did your spouse claim his or her Social Security retirement benefits?age spouse claimed SS retirement benefits
q20aWhen you claim your Social Security benefits at age ^Q19_age, about how much money in total do you think you will receive per month? Your best guess is okay.
estimated monthly benefits
q22dIf you were for any reason not able to receive Social Security benefits until age 70, do you think you would be able to draw on other savings or income to maintain a reasonable standard of living until then?maintain reasonable standard of living