LABarometer surveys are fielded to the LABarometer Panel on a biannual basis to monitor social and economic conditions in Los Angeles County.
From 2019 to 2022, LABarometer survey waves comprised four surveys, fielded three to six months apart. The surveys covered the following topics: Livability, Mobility, Sustainability & Resilience, and Affordability & Prosperity. In 2022, LABarometer moved to a biannual survey frequency and these four surveys were combined and reduced in size to the following two surveys:
The LABarometer survey on Livability & Affordability tracks neighborhood livability and affordability stress in Los Angeles County, guided by the principle that a livable neighborhood is in one in which residents feel happy, healthy, safe, socially connected, and have access to affordable goods, services, and amenities. The survey covers the following topics: life satisfaction, stress, housing quality and plans, neighborhood satisfaction, crime and safety, social engagement, as well as the accessibility and affordability of four key resources in Los Angeles County – housing, healthcare, food, and education. The survey also includes LABarometer’s consumer sentiment index, a set of six questions designed to monitor individual finances and the economy.
The LABarometer survey on Mobility & Sustainability tracks environmental sustainability, transportation behavior, and community resilience in Los Angeles County, inspired by efforts to reduce automobile congestion, minimize environmental impacts, and increase the county’s resilience to climate change. The survey covers a number of topics, including heat and pollution exposure, natural disaster preparedness, pro-environmental behavior, transportation sentiment, transportation access and behavior, and the steps Los Angeles County residents may take to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The survey also includes LABarometer’s consumer sentiment index, a set of six questions designed to monitor individual finances and the economy.
LABarometer’s survey panel is a sub-panel of the Understanding America Study. For reports and toplines from each survey, please visit the website or see below.
Data and documentation for each completed survey can be found below. For a comprehensive and harmonized longitudinal data file of all of our completed surveys, scroll down to Longitudinal Data. For individual survey datasets, scroll further down to Individual Survey Data.
To access UAS data files, simply register as a UAS data user.
Basic demographics are included in all files. As with all UAS data sets, data may be linked to variables from Other UAS surveys for further analysis if desired. Simply merge these data with other UAS data sets using variable uasid (respondent identifier).
Information on weighting in the UAS can be found here. A direct download of the UAS Weighting Procedures is located here.
The LABarometer Longitudinal File is a comprehensive and harmonized dataset containing all completed waves (waves 1-2) of LABarometer Survey data. Variable names have been harmonized, allowing easy longitudinal analysis. For the vast majority of cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, this longitudinal file will be the dataset of choice.
You can download the LABarometer Longitudinal File in Stata and CSV file formats. Click on the codebook link to download the longitudinal file codebook.
- LABarometer Longitudinal File – Data - Direct Download: STATA | CSV
- LABarometer Longitudinal File – Codebook – Direct Download: PDF
For individual survey datasets, you can follow the Data & Codebook links below to view the codebook and metadata and to download individual survey datasets. You can also visit LABarometer’s data page on the UAS website for direct data download links.
Note that each LABarometer survey has a UAS survey number as LABarometer is a sub-panel of the Understanding America Study.
Wave 1
- UAS 194 details 2019 Livability Survey (July 19, 2019 - September 30, 2019) - Direct download: Stata | CSV
- UAS 199 details 2019 Livability Survey Complement (August 12, 2019 - September 08, 2019) - Direct download: Stata | CSV
- UAS 219 details 2019 Mobility Survey Complement (December 11, 2019 – February 7, 2020) - Direct download: Stata | CSV
- UAS 286 details 2020 Sustainability Survey (June 03, 2020 – July 13, 2020) - Direct download: Stata | CSV
- UAS 312 details 2020 Affordability Survey (September 30, 2020 - November 1, 2020) - Direct download: Stata | CSV
Wave 2
- UAS 320 details 2020 Livability Survey (November 9, 2020 - January 7, 2021) - Direct download: Stata | CSV
- UAS 379 details 2021 Mobility Survey (March 2, 2021 - April 30, 2021) - Direct download: Stata | CSV
- UAS 363 details 2021 Sustainability Survey (October 14, 2021 - January 9, 2022) - Direct download: Stata | CSV
- UAS 403 details 2021 Affordability Survey (July 19, 2021 - September 5, 2022) - Direct download: Stata | CSV
Wave 3
- UAS 468 details 2022 Livability & Affordability Survey (June 6, 2022 - September 4, 2022) - Direct download: Stata | CSV
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 1
Livability | Mobility | Sustainability | Affordability |
Top 5 Takeaways | Top 5 Takeaways | Top 5 Takeaways | Top 5 Takeaways |
Full report | Full report | Full report | Full report |
Topline | Topline | Topline | Topline |
Topline Supplement |
Wave 2
Livability | Mobility | Sustainability | Affordability |
Top 5 Takeaways | Top 5 Takeaways | Top 5 Takeaways | Top 5 Takeaways |
Topline 1
Topline 2 |
Topline | Topline | Topline |
Wave 3
Livability & Affordability | Mobility & Sustainability |
Top 5 Takeaways | Top 5 Takeaways |
Topline | Tracking report |
Wave 4
Livability & Affordability | Mobility & Sustainability |
Tracking report | Tracking report |
Topline | Topline |
Questions about the Understanding America Study or about overall UAS survey panel methodology? Click on the "methodology" menu above, or contact us at uas-l@maillist.usc.edu.