

General information

Question text: Indicates information randomizer
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 Group 1 ( 1/3 probability):IS1, IS2. Receives no additional information (They get IS1, IS2)
2 Group 2 ( 2/9 probability): IS1+ IS1_Addl, IS2. Receives additional information about SSDI which Focuses on the type of health conditions that SSDI beneficiaries have, and the process for determining eligibility .
3 Group 3 (2/9 probability). IS1, IS2+IS2_addl Receive “inequality information” about income and poverty conditions of SSI recipients.
4 Group 4 (2/9 probability). IS1+IS1_addl, IS2+IS2_Addl. Receive information from both Group 1.2 and Group 1.3
Label: information randomizer
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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