

General information

Question text: People sometimes use different ways to pay their bills. Which methods do you use to pay your bills? Please choose all that apply.
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 I pay in person at the store or office that sent me the bill (such as going to the department store or phone company to pay)
2 I pay at a store (such as a grocery store) that accepts bill payments for other companies
3 I pay by writing a check and mailing it
4 I pay by telephone
5 I pay using credit cards
6 I pay using online banking
7 I pay with automatic bill payment; payments are taken directly from my bank account or directly charged to my credit card
8 I pay using money order
9 I don't know
10 I don't pay the bills
Label: how pay bills
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

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