

General information

Question text: California has a serious problem of housing being too expensive for many families. Experts and political figures have offered several explanations for that affordability problem.

Which of these do you consider the biggest contributor to the problem? (We will ask you for a second choice next.)
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 Too little homebuilding
2 Lack of rent control
3 Foreign buyers
4 Wall Street investment buyers
5 Lack of public funding for low-income housing
6 Environmental and other regulations that raise construction costs
7 Increasing influence of the tech industry
8 Overly restrictive zoning rules
9 Some other reason (please specify): ~q019_other
10 Haven't heard enough to say
Label: Unaffordable Housing Biggest Contributor
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

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