

General information

Question text: Which best describes your reason for starting to delay collecting Social Security benefits beyond full retirement age? (Please check all that apply.)
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 I was still working
2 My spouse was still working
3 I/we didn't need the money yet
4 Even though I had stopped working, my retirement savings (or my spouse/partner's) was enough to pay our expenses
5 I wanted my benefit to grow through delay
6 I/we felt that it was worth it to delay because our health was good and I/we would likely enjoy a long life
7 I/we were encouraged to delay by a financial adviser
8 I/we were encouraged to delay by a friend or family member
9 I/we were encouraged to delay by an employee at the Social Security office
10 Other (Please specify)~q14_other
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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