

General information

Question text: Why did you delay or go without these?: ^FL_hc006 Please select all that apply.
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 I couldn't afford the cost
2 I had trouble finding a doctor, clinic, or hospital that would accept my health insurance
3 An appointment wasn’t available when I needed it
4 I didn't have adequate transportation
5 The doctor or clinic was too far away
6 I couldn't take time away from work, caretaking, or other responsibilities
7 Going to the doctor made me nervous
8 I was afraid of catching a disease during my visit
9 The medication or testing I needed wasn’t available at my pharmacy or clinic
10 I couldn't get a referral or prescription from my doctor
11 Other, please specify: ~hc007_other
Label: why delay or go without
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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